Sunday, January 22, 2012

Brisbane on foot...

Oh I have been so slack with my posting for a few months...just uninspired I guess. Must get back on track again. Over the past few weeks, hubbie and I have been exploring our various inner city neighbourhoods on foot, at dusk, a different route each time. We head out at dusk because it is too darn hot any other time - except at dawn and I am afraid we are not morning people.

Initially I set out free as a bird, not carrying a thing on me - but lately, inspired by the very "Queensland"  streetscapes and beautiful light at this time of day, I have started carrying my phone to take pictures. I have edited them rather coarsely with a phone app.


  1. Oooh, P.S. My blog has a new address just in case you want to update the link on your Blogroll:

  2. These are beautiful. I love wooden buildings. When I was a little girl I always dreamed of living in a house with a veranda....I still do a bit!

  3. Thanks Naomi - I did wonder what had happened to your blog - I'll redirect.

    Thanks Debbie - lovely to hear from you again!
